Our Processes

We are renowned for production of high quality, fresh yellow yolk eggs that are laboratory tested regularly to ensure that they are salmonella free and therefore fit for human consumption

At Modia Poultry Farm, we get our layers from internationally recognized breeders that have versatile layer breeds which have excellent feed conversion and renowned for producing high quality eggs.

We continue to modernize egg production and processing practices in order to meet the demand for nutritious, high-quality eggs.

We have very strict safeguards and practices that are followed to make sure our layers are healthy and to protect the quality of our eggs.


Brooding is the most important phase of chicken development, which if not well handled will affect both flock performance and the quality of the end product. Therefore our modern brooding facility and management systems have given us the ability to control conditions at the rearing stage which gives our chicks a good start. At Modia Poultry Farm, we not only look at maintaining temperatures, but we take care of all the other basics like air quality, litter management, water quality and availability, ventilation, lighting and feed quality and availability.

Biosecurity and protection of birds immune systems

At Modia Farm, we believe in prevention mechanisms, that’s why we adopted robust biosecurity  and farm hygiene  practices. The basic principles we emphasize are isolation, traffic control and sanitation.

Feeding Systems

Our feed ingredients and additives support efficient egg production while maintaining respect for the environment as they lead to improved chicken health, we in turn need less medication and therefore we improve human health in the end. We pride in long-lasting partnerships with internationally recognized global industry leaders.

We use silos which are a basic requirement for hygienic feed storage. At Modia Poultry Farm, we use high quality zinc – aluminum coating of all sheet steel parts which guarantee a long service life. Our feed-meal and pellets pass from the silo into the house safely and without any loss in quality.